
Pole Mounted Solar Array Installation

This installation of 6 pole mounted solar photovoltaic arrays is a part of the Class of 1966 Environmental Center’s efforts to complete the net zero energy performance “petal” of the Living Building Challenge Certification. The Living Building Challenge is a sustainable building standard administered by the International Living Future… Continue reading »

Land Application of Compost & Composting Toilet FAQs

Marco Vallejos harvesting the composted material into bins before transporting it to the land application site. In early November 2018, the second round of material from the composting toilet bin was harvested and land applied.  Geoff Goodhue from Clivus and Marco Vallejos, a junior at Williams who is doing… Continue reading »

Air Quality Sensors

Jay Racela is up to it again. In late August, he installed two air quality sensors online for all to see what the air we breathe is like both on and off campus. One is at the Envi Center and one is out at the main weather station in Hopkins… Continue reading »

Food Production at the Envi Center

Justine – a summer garden intern – helps other students harvest beets Thirty-five percent of the Class of 1966 Environmental Center’s site is devoted to food production. On site, we practice sustainable agriculture to grow annual and perennial vegetables, high and low-bush berries, herbs, and fruit trees. Our pollinator… Continue reading »